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Cyclone Shelter in coastal Belt of Myanmar

( Post Nargis Intervention)

Consultant to UNDP

Tasks and responsibilities

  • Affected areas of the Delta with specific context to individual and community housing technology. Promotion of appropriate technologies integrating habitats and livelihoods.

  • Develop various designs for individual and community buildings for the affected areas of the Delta.

  • Design Local specific shelter designs to be used as Cyclone/storm shelters with basic facilities and safety norms.

  • Develop Training Manuals and modules for the training of Masons/artisans of the villages for construction of low cost disaster resistant housing. Develop specific designs of construction of village infrastructures like jetties, culverts and other water passages including drainage systems.

  • Consultation with other stakeholders, identify requirements and suggest specific areas of intervention.

  • Develop necessary IEC and advocacy materials on Shelter technology transfer and advocacy issues.

  • Provide training to UNDP Engineers/shelter team in construction technologies.

Child Friendly School in Mannar District, Sri Lanka

Consultant to ROOM TO READ

According to the request of the Northern Province Ministry of Education, Sri Lanka, Room To Read constructed child friendly schools as demonstration so that the government can adopt them in their regular school infrastructure programme.

The scope of my work was, a) To train the Room to Read engineers, b) conduct resource mapping exercise and identify cost effective technologies,

c) participatory design exercise to develop child friendly designs for  Mannar District in the war affected Northern province of Sri Lanka, c) hands-on training of the construction workers on cost effective systems, d) Periodic supervision of the implementation. e) special emphasis on girl children and special children, f) use of labour intensive and environment friendly cost effective technologies based on local materials


Imbewu: Education for all in Eastern Cape, South Africa

Consultant to DFID
Community based school construction programme at Bantwanana, Mqanduli. The school was designed based on the traditional rondavel form with treated thatch, local soil(sabunge- decomposed dolorite) for cement stabilised mud block.
Completed in 2003. Local school drop-outs were trained to produce and lay the stabilised mud blocks.


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